مجموعه به روز شده کتابخانه مجازی مهندسی پل (ویرایش ۲۰۲۰)

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مجموعه بروز شده کتابخانه مجازی طراحی و آنالیز سازه های بتنی (ویرایش۲۰۱۸)

کتابخانه مجازی دینامیک سازه و مهندسی زلزله

مجموعه بروز شده کتابخانه مجازی مهندسی زلزله (ویرایش۲۰۱۸)

مجموعه بروز شده محاسبات اکسلی مهندسی عمران ۱۳۹۷

۱ Design Manual For Roads And Bridges – Loads For Highway Bridges
۲ ۹th International Bridge Management Conference
۳ ۱۰th International Bridges and Structure Management
۴ A Design Mmanual for Small Bridges
۵ A Guide to Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Trail Bridges
۶ A Guide to The Construction of Segmental Bridges
۷ AAHSTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (5th Edition)
۸ AASHTO – Guide Speccifications for Design of Pedestrian Bridges
۹ AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (6th Eition) (2012 US)
۱۰ AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (2007) (SI)
۱۱ AASHTO Maintenance Manual for Roadways and Bridges (4th Edition)
۱۲ AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (17th Edition)
۱۳ Accelerated Bridge Construction – Best Practices and Techniques
۱۴ Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridges
۱۵ Analysis of Box Girder and Truss Bridges
۱۶ Application of Precast Deck and Other Elements to Bridge Structures
۱۷ Bailey Bridge
۱۸ Best Practices In Bridge Management Decision Making
۱۹ Bridge Aeroelasticity – Sensitivity Analysis and Optimum Design
۲۰ Bridge Aesthetics Around the World
۲۱ Bridge Bearings and Expansion Joints
۲۲ Bridge by Peter Bishop
۲۳ Bridge Construction Methods
۲۴ Bridge Construction Practices using Incremental Launching
۲۵ Bridge Construction
۲۶ Bridge Construction
۲۷ Bridge Deck Behaviour
۲۸ Bridge Decks Design, Construction, Rehabilitation, Replacement
۲۹ Bridge Design Code (Vol 1)
۳۰ Bridge Design for Economy and Durability
۳۱ Bridge Design Manual
۳۲ Bridge Design to Eurocodes – Worked Examples
۳۳ Bridge Design to Eurocodes
۳۴ Bridge Design to the Eurocodes – Simplified Rules for use in Student Projects
۳۵ Bridge Design
۳۶ Bridge Desk Analysis
۳۷ Bridge Engineering – Construction and Maintenance
۳۸ Bridge Engineering – Design, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance of Modern Highway Bridges
۳۹ Bridge Engineering – Seismic Design
۴۰ Bridge engineering – Substructure Design
۴۱ Bridge Engineering (Highway Bridge Structures)
۴۲ Bridge Engineering Automated Vehicle Application
۴۳ Bridge Engineering Handbook – Construction and Maintenance (2nd Edition)
۴۴ Bridge Engineering Handbook – Seismic Design (2nd Edition)
۴۵ Bridge Engineering Handbook – Substructure Design (2nd Edition)
۴۶ Bridge Engineering Handbook – SuperStructure Design (2nd Edition)
۴۷ Bridge Engineering Handbook
۴۸ Bridge Engineering Seismic Design
۴۹ Bridge Engineering
۵۰ bridge foundation and substructures
۵۱ Bridge Hydraulic Design
۵۲ Bridge Inspection
۵۳ Bridge Launching
۵۴ Bridge Loads
۵۵ Bridge Maintenance Safety Management and Life Extension
۵۶ Bridge Maintenance, Safety Management, Health Monitoring and Informatics
۵۷ Bridge Management – Inspection, Maintenance, Assessment and Repair
۵۸ Bridge Management (2nd Edition)
۵۹ Bridge Planning and Design Manual
۶۰ Bridge Planning and Design
۶۱ Bridge Railing Manual
۶۲ Bridge Rating
۶۳ Bridge Rehabilitation
۶۴ Bridge Repair Manual
۶۵ Bridge Seismic Design
۶۶ Bridge Standards and Procedure Manual
۶۷ Bridge Standards and Procedure Manuals
۶۸ Bridge Substructure and Foundation Design
۶۹ Bridge Superstructure Design
۷۰ Bridges – The Science and art of the World’s Most Inspiring Structures
۷۱ Bridges Aesthetics and Design
۷۲ Bridges and Highways – Rehabilitation and Repair
۷۳ Bridges for High Speed Railways
۷۴ Bridging the Dutch Landscape
۷۵ Building Failures – Diagnosis and Avoidance
۷۶ Cable Stayed Bridges
۷۷ Cable Supported Bridges – Concept and Design (1st Edition)
۷۸ Cable Supported Bridges – Concept and Design (2nd Edition)
۷۹ Cable Supported Bridges
۸۰ Cable-Stayed Bridges – Theory and Design (2nd Edition)
۸۱ ._Cable-Stayed Bridges – Theory and Design (2nd Edition)
۸۲ Calibration of Load Factors for LFRD Bridge Evaluation
۸۳ Christian Menn-Prestressed Concrete Bridges
۸۴ Combined Seismic Plus Live Load Analysis of Highway Bridges
۸۵ Composite Bridge Design for Small and Medium Spans
۸۶ Computational Analysis and Design of Bridge Structures
۸۷ Concrete Box-Girder Bridges
۸۸ Concrete Bridge Designer’s Manual
۸۹ Concrete Bridge Engineering
۹۰ Concrete Bridge Practice – Analysis, Design and Enonomics
۹۱ Concrete Bridges,Design and Construction
۹۲ Construction and Design of Prestressed Concrete Segmental Bridges
۹۳ Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Abutments fromScour
۹۴ Curtain Walls
۹۵ Curved Girder Bridge
۹۶ Damage Detection and Repair Methods for GFRP Bridge Deck
۹۷ Design Aids of NU I Girders Bridges
۹۸ Design and Consctruction Guidlines for Geosynthetic – Reinforced Soil Bridge Abutments with Flexible Facing
۹۹ Design Guide Economic and Durable Design of Composite Bridges withI ntegral Abutments
۱۰۰ Design Guide for Composite Highway Bridges
۱۰۱ Design Guide for Steel Railway Bridges
۱۰۲ Design of a Reinforced Concrete Deck-Girder Bridge to AASHTO & ACI Codes
۱۰۳ Design of Concrete Box Girder Bridge
۱۰۴ Design of Highway Bridges – An LRFD Approach
۱۰۵ Design of Highway Bridges
۱۰۶ Design of Main Girder
۱۰۷ Design of modern highrise reinforced concrete structures
۱۰۸ Design of Modern Highway Bridges
۱۰۹ Design of Modern Steel Highway Bridges
۱۱۰ Design of Modern Steel Railway bridges
۱۱۱ Design of Precast Piers for Rapid Bridge Construction in Seismic Region
۱۱۲ Design of Steel and Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges
۱۱۳ Design-Guide-for-Composite-Highway-Bridges
۱۱۴ Discover Bridge Over Missouri River
۱۱۵ Dynamics of Bridges (Volume 5)
۱۱۶ Dynamics of Railway Bridges
۱۱۷ Economical Bridge Solutions Based on Innovative Composite Dowels and Integrated Abutments
۱۱۸ Effect of Voids In Grouted Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Construction (Vol-1)
۱۱۹ Effect of Voids In Grouted Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Construction (Vol-2)
۱۲۰ Elaborate Simulation and Prediction of Seismic
۱۲۱ Elplanation of Excessive Long Time Deflections of Collapsed Record Span Box Girder Bridges
۱۲۲ Emerging Applications of High Performance Steel and Ultra SOund Impact Treatment
۱۲۳ Epoxy Coated Rebar Bridge Decks – Expected Service Life
۱۲۴ Esthetics in Concrete Bridge Design
۱۲۵ Evaluation of Bridge Scour Reseach – Pier Scour Processes and Predictions
۱۲۶ External Prestressing in Bridges
۱۲۷ Failed Bridges – Case Studies, Causes and Consequences
۱۲۸ Fatigue Life of Riveted Steel Bridges
۱۲۹ Finite Element Analysis And Design of Steel And Steel Concrete Composite Bridges
۱۳۰ Finite Element Analysis Of Externally Prestressed Segmental Bridges
۱۳۱ Footbridges – Construction, Design, History
۱۳۲ Grillage Analogy in Bridge Deck Analysis
۱۳۳ Guidance Notes on Best Practice in Steel Bridge Construction
۱۳۴ Guide Lines for Bridge Design
۱۳۵ Guide Specifications for Design and Consctruction of Segmental Concrete Bridges
۱۳۶ Gusset Plate Screening and Analysis on the Hawk Falls Bridge
۱۳۷ Handbook of International Bridge Engineering
۱۳۸ Health Monitoring of Precast Bridge Deck Panels Reinforced with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars
۱۳۹ Heat Straightening Repair of Damaged Steel Bridge Girders – Fatigue and Fracture Performance
۱۴۰ High Skew Link Slab Bridge System with Deck Sliding over Backwall or Backwall Sliding over Abutments
۱۴۱ High Skew Link Slab Bridge System
۱۴۲ Historic Bridges – Evaluation, Preservation, and Management
۱۴۳ History of the Modern Suspension Bridge
۱۴۴ Horizontal Curved Steel Box Girder Bridge
۱۴۵ ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering (2nd Edition)
۱۴۶ IDAHO Bridge Inspection Coding Guide
۱۴۷ Improced Corrosion-Resistant Steel for Highway Bridge Consctuction
۱۴۸ Improved Live Load Deflection Criteria for Steel Bridges
۱۴۹ Initial Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Filled Tubes for Bridge Foundation
۱۵۰ Innovations in Bridge Engineering Technology
۱۵۱ Integral and Semi-Integral Bridges
۱۵۲ Integral Concrete Bridges to Eurocode 2
۱۵۳ Intergral Bridges
۱۵۴ Lessons learned from the bridge collapse in Palau
۱۵۵ Load Rating of Complex Bridges
۱۵۶ Low Cost Steel Bridge Pile Inspection Technology
۱۵۷ LRFD Bridge Construction Spectifications
۱۵۸ LRFD Design Example for Steel girder superertructure bridge
۱۵۹ Manual for Bridge Evaluation (2nd Edition)
۱۶۰ Manual for Design, Construction and Maintenance of Orthotropic Steel Deck Bridges
۱۶۱ Masonry Arch Bridges
۱۶۲ Methodological Guide to Eurocode 2 – Application to Concrete Highway Bridges
۱۶۳ Modern Prestressed Concrete Highway Bridge Superstructures
۱۶۴ Monitoring Steel Girder Stability
۱۶۵ Motion Based Design of Cable-Stayed Bridges
۱۶۶ Movable Bridge Engineering
۱۶۷ Performance Load Testing and Structural Adequacy
۱۶۸ Performance of Concrete Segmental And Cable-Stayed Bridges in Europe
۱۶۹ Pier and Contraction Scour in Cohensive Soils
۱۷۰ Plate Buckling in Bridges and Other Structures
۱۷۱ Precast concrete bridges
۱۷۲ Precast Prestressed Concrete Horizontally Curved Bridge Beams
۱۷۳ Precast Segmental Box Girder Bridge Manual
۱۷۴ Precision Estimates of AASHTO T148 – Measuring Length of Drilled Concrete Cores
۱۷۵ Preliminary Design of Bridges for Architects and Engineers
۱۷۶ Prestressed Concrete Bridges
۱۷۷ Prestressed Concrete, Design and Construction
۱۷۸ Prestressed Steel Bridges, Theory and Design
۱۷۹ Primer for the Inspection and Strength Evaluation of Suspension Bridge Cables
۱۸۰ Rapidly Constructible Large-Bar Precast Bridge-Bent Seismic Connection
۱۸۱ Recent Advances in Bridge Engineering
۱۸۲ Recent Developments in Bridge Engineering
۱۸۳ Repair and Rehabilitation of Bridge Components Containing Epoxy – Coated Reinforcement
۱۸۴ Retrofit of Rectangular Bridge Column Using CFRP Wrapping
۱۸۵ Safety of Historical Stone Arch Bridges
۱۸۶ Scale Laboratory Observations of Wave Forces on a Highway Bridge Superstructure
۱۸۷ SCDOT – Bridge Design Manual
۱۸۸ SCI P154 Design of Steel Bridges for Durability
۱۸۹ Scour at Contracted Bridges
۱۹۰ Seismic Damage of Bridges in Earthquake
۱۹۱ Seismic Design Aids for Nonlinear Pushover Analysis of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Bridges
۱۹۲ Seismic design of steel building accordance to Eurocode 3 and 8
۱۹۳ Seismic Rectrofitting Guidlines for Complex Steel Truss Highway Bridges
۱۹۴ Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines For Complex Steel Truss Highway Bridges
۱۹۵ Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) for Prestressed Bridge Girders
۱۹۶ Self Compacting Concrete in Bridge Construction
۱۹۷ Simplifying Bridge Expansion Joint Design and Maintenance
۱۹۸ Standard Plan for Timber Bridge Superstructures
۱۹۹ Steel Bridge Bearing Design and Detailing Guidelines
۲۰۰ Steel Bridge Bearing Selection and Design Guide
۲۰۱ Steel Bridge Construction – Myths & Realities
۲۰۲ Steel bridges – A practical Approach to Design for Efficient Fabrication and Construction British Constructional Site
۲۰۳ Steel Bridges
۲۰۴ Steel Concrete Composite Bridge
۲۰۵ Steel Girder Superstructure Bridge
۲۰۶ Stress Ribbon and Cable-Supported Pedestrian Bridges
۲۰۷ The Brooklyn Bridge
۲۰۸ The design of Modern Steel Bridges
۲۰۹ The Design of Prestressed Concrete Bridges
۲۱۰ The Institution of Structural Engineers-Operation and Maintenance of Bridge Access Gantries and Runways (2nd Edition)
۲۱۱ The Messina Strait Bridge
۲۱۲ Theory and Design of Bridges
۲۱۳ Theory of Bridge Aerodynamics
۲۱۴ Timber Bridges-Design, Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance
۲۱۵ Urban Flyovers Structure, Architecture, Sustainability
۲۱۶ Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Bridge Comstruction
۲۱۷ Wind Resistant Design of Bridges in Japan
۲۱۸ Durable Bonded PT Concrete Bridges, Concrete Society


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