مجموعه کتابها، آیین نامه ها، راهنماها و مجموعه مقالات مربوط به تکنولوژی بتن، بتن مسلح، مرمت بتن، حفاظت بتن بصورت یکجا شامل ۳۴۵ فایل ارائه می شود عناوین کتابها بصورت زیر می باشد:
ACI Mix Design | ۱ |
ACI Detailing Notes | ۲ |
Advanced Concrete Technology 1~ Constituent Materials | ۳ |
Advanced Concrete Technology Concrete Properties | ۴ |
Advanced Concrete Technology Constituent Materials | ۵ |
Advanced Concrete Technology Processes | ۶ |
Advanced Concrete Technology Testing and Quality | ۷ |
Advanced Concrete Technology | ۸ |
Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures | ۹ |
Alkali Activated Cements and Concretes | ۱۰ |
Alkali Silica Reaction | ۱۱ |
An introduction to prestressed concrete | ۱۲ |
Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Structures | ۱۴ |
Analysis of Concrete Structures by Fracture Mechanics | ۱۵ |
Anchorage in Concrete Construction | ۱۶ |
Basics of Concrete Science | ۱۷ |
Binders for Durable and Sustainable Concrete (Modern Concrete Technology Series) by P-C AitCin | ۱۸ |
Binders for Durable and Sustainable Concrete | ۱۹ |
Blueprint Reading | ۲۰ |
Bonded Cement-Based Material Overlays for the Repair, the Lining or the Strengthening of Slabs or Pavements | ۲۱ |
Building Design and Construction Handbook | ۲۲ |
Casting of Self Compacting Concrete | ۲۳ |
Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete | ۲۴ |
Civil Engineering Handbook – Second Edition | ۲۵ |
CnCAA T38 – Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook | ۲۶ |
Coated Steel Rebar for Enhanced Concrete-Steel Bond Strength and Corrosion Resistance | ۲۷ |
Commentary_to_Eurocode | ۲۸ |
Compaction | ۲۹ |
Computer Modelling of Concrete Mixtures | ۳۰ |
concrete (1) | ۳۱ |
Concrete (2nd Edition) by Sidney Mindess, J. Francis Young, David Darwin | ۳۲ |
Concrete – Micro-structure Properties and Materials (2006) | ۳۳ |
Concrete – Neville’s Insights and Issues | ۳۴ |
Concrete – Nevilles Insights and Issues | ۳۵ |
Concrete – The Sustainable Infrastructure Material for 21st Century | ۳۶ |
Concrete Admixtures Handbook | ۳۷ |
Concrete and Masonry Data book | ۳۸ |
Concrete Beams with Openings – Analysis and Design | ۳۹ |
Concrete Building Pathology | ۴۰ |
Concrete Building Scheme Design Manual | ۴۱ |
Concrete Building Scheme | ۴۲ |
Concrete Delivery Time Study | ۴۳ |
concrete design | ۴۴ |
Concrete Engineering Construction Handbook | ۴۵ |
Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads (2) | ۴۶ |
Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads | ۴۷ |
Concrete Floor Systems | ۴۸ |
Concrete Form work System | ۴۹ |
Concrete in Aggressive Ground – 3rd Edition | ۵۰ |
Concrete in Coastal Structures, Richard T L Allen | ۵۱ |
Concrete in Hot Environments (2) | ۵۲ |
Concrete in Hot Environments | ۵۳ |
Concrete in the Marine Environment | ۵۴ |
Concrete in the Service of Mankind – Appropriate concrete technology | ۵۵ |
Concrete in the Service of Mankind Appropriate concrete technology | ۵۶ |
Concrete in Underground Works | ۵۷ |
Concrete Industrial Ground Floors (2) | ۵۸ |
Concrete Industrial Ground Floors | ۵۹ |
Concrete Materials – Properties, Specifications and Testing (S. Popovics) | ۶۰ |
Concrete Mix Design (2) | ۶۱ |
Concrete Mix Design – Quality Control and Specification | ۶۲ |
Concrete Mix Design | ۶۳ |
Concrete Pavement Design Guidance Notes | ۶۴ |
Concrete Pavement Design, Construction, and Performance | ۶۵ |
Concrete Petrography | ۶۶ |
Concrete Pipe Design Manual | ۶۷ |
Concrete Pressures – Formwork | ۶۸ |
Concrete Repair and Maintenance Illustrated, PH Emmons | ۶۹ |
Concrete Repair Hand Book | ۷۰ |
Concrete Repair Rehabilitation and Retrofitting II | ۷۱ |
Concrete Repair | ۷۲ |
Concrete Repairs Performance in service and current practice (2) | ۷۳ |
Concrete Repairs Performance in Service and Current Practice | ۷۴ |
Concrete Society – Draft on Assessment, design and repair of fire-damaged concrete structures | ۷۵ |
Concrete Solutions | ۷۶ |
Concrete Structions Protection, Repair and Rehabilitation | ۷۷ |
Concrete Structures – Stresses and Deformations, 3rd Ed | ۷۸ |
Concrete Structures – Stresses and Deformations | ۷۹ |
Concrete Structures | ۸۰ |
Concrete Technology -Theory and Practice – Shetty | ۸۱ |
Concrete Technology | ۸۲ |
Connections(BS CODE) | ۸۳ |
Construction of Buildings Volume 1 | ۸۴ |
Construction of Prestressed Concrete Structures | ۸۵ |
Contributions of Pavement Structural Layers to Rutting of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements | ۸۶ |
Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures | ۸۷ |
Control of Cracking in Concrete | ۸۸ |
Controlled Structures with Electrical and Fiber Optical Sensors | ۸۹ |
Corrosion in reinforced concrete structures | ۹۰ |
Corrosion Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Structures | ۹۱ |
Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete – M. Raupach – 2007 | ۹۲ |
Corrosion of Steel in Concrete (2) | ۹۳ |
Corrosion of Steel in Concrete – Prevention, Diagnosis, Repair | ۹۴ |
Corrosion of Steel in Concrete | ۹۵ |
Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete | ۹۶ |
Crack Analysis in Structural Concrete – Theory and Applications | ۹۷ |
Crack Analysis in Structural Concrete Theory and Applications | ۹۸ |
Creep and Shrinkage | ۹۹ |
Creep mechanics | ۱۰۰ |
CRSI Design Handbook 2008 | ۱۰۱ |
Demolition and Reuse of Concrete and Masonry | ۱۰۲ |
Design and Construction using Insulating Concrete Formwork | ۱۰۳ |
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures – PCA 1 | ۱۰۴ |
Design Applications of Raft Foundations (549 – 642) | ۱۰۵ |
Design Guidance For Strengthening Concrete Structures Using FRP | ۱۰۶ |
Design Guidelines for Duarablility of Bonded CFRP Repair Strengthening of Concrete Beams | ۱۰۷ |
Design of anchorage in concrete | ۱۰۸ |
Design of FRP and Steel Plated RC Structures – Retrofitting Beams and Slabs for Strength, Stiffness and Ductility 2004 | ۱۰۹ |
Design of Normal Concrete Mixes Edition 2 | ۱۱۰ |
Diagnosis of Deterioration In Concrete Structures – by M Walker | ۱۱۲ |
Diagnosis of Deterioration in Concrete Structures | ۱۱۳ |
Durability Assessment of Recycled Concrete for use in New Concrete | ۱۱۴ |
Durability Design of Concrete Structures (2) | ۱۱۵ |
Durability Design of Concrete Structures | ۱۱۶ |
Durability Evaluation of Post Tensioned Concrete Beams | ۱۱۷ |
Durability of Concrete and Cement Composites | ۱۱۸ |
Durability of Concrete Structures Investigation Repair Protection | ۱۱۹ |
Durable Concrete Structures CEB Design Guide | ۱۲۰ |
Early Age Thermal Cracking | ۱۲۱ |
Effect of adhesive stiffness and CFRP geometry on the behavior of Externally Bonded CFRP Retrofit Measures Subject to Monotonic Loads 2005 | ۱۲۲ |
Effect of Reinforcement on Early Age | ۱۲۳ |
Effects of Formwork Surface Materials on Concrete Lateral Pressure | ۱۲۴ |
Effects of Increasing the Allowable Compressive Stress at Release on the Shear Strength of Prestessed Concrete Girders | ۱۲۵ |
Engineered Concrete – Mix Design and Test Methods | ۱۲۶ |
Engineered concrete mix design BY Irving Kett | ۱۲۸ |
Evaluation of Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement Requirements for RC Column | ۱۲۹ |
Evaluation of the Orientation of 90 and 180 Reinforcing Bar Hooks | ۱۳۰ |
Evaluation, presentation and Repair of Microbial Acid-Produced Attack of Concrete | ۱۳۱ |
Excellence in Concrete Construction Through Innovation | ۱۳۲ |
Expansion Joints in Buildings | ۱۳۳ |
Fiber in Concrete | ۱۳۴ |
Fibers as Structural Element for the Reinforcement of Concrete | ۱۳۵ |
Field Performance of Concrete Admixtures | ۱۳۶ |
Finite Element Design of Concrete Structures | ۱۳۷ |
Fire Safety and Concrete Structures | ۱۳۸ |
Fly Ash in Concrete | ۱۳۹ |
Formwork for Concrete Structures | ۱۴۰ |
Formwork for Concrete | ۱۴۱ |
Formwork | ۱۴۲ |
Fracture and Size Effect in Concrete and Other Quasi brittle Materials | ۱۴۳ |
Freeze Thaw Resisting Concrete – DTI Concrete Society and CIRIA C559 | ۱۴۴ |
FRP Composites for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures | ۱۴۵ |
FRP Composites | ۱۴۶ |
FRP Strengthened RC structures | ۱۴۷ |
Grouting Handbook | ۱۴۸ |
Guidance on the Use of Macro Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete | ۱۴۹ |
Guide to Concrete for Housing | ۱۵۰ |
Guide to Long Span Concrete Floors | ۱۵۱ |
Guidebook on Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete Structures | ۱۵۲ |
Guidelines for Evaluating Process Plant Buildings for External Explosions and Fires | ۱۵۳ |
Handbook of Coatings for Concrete | ۱۵۴ |
Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing | ۱۵۵ |
High Performance Concrete | ۱۵۶ |
High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite | ۱۵۷ |
High Strength Concrete – A Practical Guide | ۱۵۸ |
High Strength Concrete | ۱۵۹ |
High Strength Self Consolidating Concrete Girders subjected to Elevated Compressive Fiber Stresses | ۱۶۰ |
Highrise Reinforced Concrete Structures | ۱۶۱ |
Historic Concrete | ۱۶۲ |
Hybrid Concrete Construction | ۱۶۳ |
In-Plant Arch Buckling of Network Arch Bridge | ۱۶۴ |
Innovation in Concrete Frame Construction 1995-2015 | ۱۶۵ |
Innovative_Materials_and_Techniques | ۱۶۶ |
ISO Standard – Guidelines for the Simplified Design of Structural Reinforced Concrete | ۱۶۷ |
IStructE – Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete | ۱۶۸ |
Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity, Third Edition | ۱۶۹ |
Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity | ۱۷۰ |
Manual of Ready Mixed Concrete | ۱۷۱ |
Masonry and Concrete | ۱۷۲ |
Material Selection for Concrete Overlay | ۱۷۳ |
Measuring, Monitoring and Modeling Concrete Properties | ۱۷۴ |
Mechanical Engineers Handbook | ۱۷۵ |
Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials | ۱۷۶ |
Microstructure and Properties of Hardened Concrete | ۱۷۷ |
Minimum Reinforcement in Concrete Members | ۱۷۸ |
Multi Scale Modeling of Structural Concrete (2) | ۱۷۹ |
Multi Scale Modeling of Structural Concrete | ۱۸۰ |
Nanotechnology Based system for Damage Resistant Concrete Pavements | ۱۸۱ |
National Structural Concrete Specification | ۱۸۲ |
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures; Volume 1; Deterioration Processes and Standard Test Methods | ۱۸۳ |
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures; Volume 2; Non-Destructive Testing Methods | ۱۸۴ |
Nonlinear Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete | ۱۸۵ |
Numerical Modeling of Cracking | ۱۸۶ |
Odqvist Mathematical Theory of Creep and Rupture.djvu | ۱۸۷ |
Optimizing Cementious Content in Concrete Mixtures for Required Performance | ۱۸۸ |
Owen Engineering Fracture Mechanics.djvu | ۱۸۹ |
PCA Rectangular Concrete Tanks – 5th Edition | ۱۹۰ |
Performance of Self Consolidation Concrete in Prestressed Girders | ۱۹۱ |
Physical Properties of Concrete and Concrete Constituents | ۱۹۲ |
Post Tensioned Concrete Floors Design Handbook | ۱۹۳ |
Post Tensioning Tendon Installation and Grouting Manual | ۱۹۴ |
Precast Concrete – Materials, Manufacture, Properties and Usage, M.Levitt | ۱۹۵ |
Precast Concrete Frame Buildings | ۱۹۶ |
Precast Concrete Structures by Hubert Bachmann, Alfred Steinle | ۱۹۷ |
Precast Concrete Structures by Kim S Elliott | ۱۹۸ |
Precast Prestressed Concrete Horizontally Curved Bridge Beams | ۱۹۹ |
Preparation and Testing of Drilled Shafts with Self – Consolidating Concrete | ۲۰۰ |
Prestress Manual for Inspectors | ۲۰۱ |
Prestress Manual | ۲۰۲ |
Prestressed Concrete Design by M.K. Hurst (1998) | ۲۰۳ |
Prestressed Concrete Designer’s Handbook (1998) | ۲۰۴ |
Prestressed Concrete | ۲۰۵ |
Principios de Ingenieria de Cimentaciones | ۲۰۶ |
Procedure for Evaluating Air Entraining Admixtures for Highway Concrete | ۲۰۷ |
Proceedings Milan Workshop – Fire design of concrete structures low res | ۲۰۸ |
Procedures for Evaluating Corrosion – Inhibiting Admixtures for Structural Concrete | ۲۰۹ |
Properties of Concrete (2) | ۲۱۰ |
Properties of Concrete | ۲۱۱ |
Properties of Fresh Concrete | ۲۱۲ |
Protection and Repair of Reinforced Concrete | ۲۱۳ |
RC Infilled Frame – RC Plane Frame Interactions for Seismic Resistance | ۲۱۴ |
Refurbishment and Repair in Construction | ۲۱۵ |
Reinforced Concrete (A Fundamental Approach) Edward G.Nawy | ۲۱۶ |
Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperatures | ۲۱۷ |
Reinforced Concrete Chimneys and Towers | ۲۱۸ |
Reinforced Concrete Engineers Handbook | ۲۱۹ |
Reinforcement | ۲۲۰ |
Reinforcing Steel Data | ۲۲۱ |
Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints State of the Art (2) | ۲۲۲ |
Repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete beam-column joints state of the art | ۲۲۳ |
Repair Manual for Concrete Bridge Elements | ۲۲۴ |
Repair of Concrete Structures to EN 1504 – DS | ۲۲۵ |
Repair of Concrete Structures to EN 1504 | ۲۲۶ |
Repair Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures | ۲۲۷ |
Repair, Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures | ۲۲۸ |
Residential Cellular Concrete Building | ۲۲۹ |
Rubbliation of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements | ۲۳۰ |
Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements | ۲۳۱ |
Seismic, Creep, and Tensile Testing of Various Epoxy Bonded Rebar Products in Hardened Concrete | ۲۳۲ |
Self Compacting Concrete | ۲۳۳ |
Self Curing Admixture | ۲۳۴ |
Self-Compacting Concrete | ۲۳۵ |
Self-Consolidating Concrete for Bridge Elements | ۲۳۶ |
Self-Consolidating Concrete | ۲۳۷ |
Special Concretes Workability and Mixing, P.J.M.Bartos | ۲۳۸ |
Sprayed Concrete (2) | ۲۳۹ |
Sprayed Concrete Technology (2) | ۲۴۰ |
Sprayed Concrete Technology | ۲۴۱ |
Sprayed Concrete | ۲۴۲ |
Standard Method of Detailing of Structural Concrete | ۲۴۳ |
Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete IstructE | ۲۴۴ |
Standard Reinforced Concrete details | ۲۴۵ |
Steel Free Hybrid Reinforcement System for Concrete Bridge Decks | ۲۴۶ |
Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures – Assessment and Repair of Corrosion | ۲۴۷ |
Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Civil Infrastructures Using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites | ۲۴۸ |
Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures | ۲۴۹ |
Structural And Stress Analysis – Dr. T. H. G. MEGSON | ۲۵۰ |
Structural detailing in concrete_ A comparative study of British_ European and American codes and practices – M.Bangash (2003) | ۲۵۱ |
Structural Details In Concrete | ۲۵۲ |
Structural Failure and Plasticity | ۲۵۳ |
Structural Grouts | ۲۵۴ |
Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (2) | ۲۵۵ |
Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete | ۲۵۶ |
Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete affected by Alkali Silica Reaction | ۲۵۷ |
Structural performance of reinforced concrete | ۲۵۸ |
Structural Precast Concrete Handbook 2Ed | ۲۵۹ |
Structural Precast Concrete Handbook 2nd Edition | ۲۶۰ |
structural renovation in concrete | ۲۶۱ |
Structural Renovation of Concrete | ۲۶۲ |
Structural Use of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete | ۲۶۳ |
Structure_and_Performance | ۲۶۴ |
Strut and Tie Modeling | ۲۶۵ |
Strut and Tie modelling of Reinforced Concrete Pile caps | ۲۶۶ |
Sulfate Attack on Concrete | ۲۶۷ |
Super – High – Strength High Performance Concrete | ۲۶۸ |
Supervision of Concrete Construction Volume 1 | ۲۶۹ |
Supervision of Concrete Construction | ۲۷۰ |
Supplementary Cementitios Materials to Enhance Durbility of Concrete Bridge Decks | ۲۷۱ |
Sustainable Concrete Workshop | ۲۷۲ |
Test Methods for Characterizing Aggregate Shape, Texture, and Angularity | ۲۷۳ |
Testing of Concrete in Structures | ۲۷۴ |
Texturing of Concrete Pavements | ۲۷۵ |
The Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete (2) | ۲۷۶ |
The Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete | ۲۷۷ |
The art of precast concrete | ۲۷۸ |
The C Range Post Tensioning-System | ۲۷۹ |
The Civil Engineering Handbook | ۲۸۰ |
The Concrete Technology | ۲۸۱ |
The New Power in Concrete Construction | ۲۸۲ |
The Repair of Concrete Structures (2) | ۲۸۳ |
The Repair of Concrete Structures | ۲۸۴ |
The Sulfate Attack on Concrete | ۲۸۵ |
The Sustainable Use of Concrete | ۲۸۶ |
Thumbs.db | ۲۸۷ |
Time-dependent behavior of concrete structures (2010) | ۲۸۸ |
Tolerance Manual for Precast and Prestressed Concrete Construction | ۲۸۹ |
Training – Precast Concrete Design Manual | ۲۹۰ |
Transfer, Development, and Splice Length for Strand Reinforcement in High-Strength Concrete | ۲۹۱ |
Transmission of Prestress by Bond – Bruggeling | ۲۹۲ |
Ultimate Limit State Design of Concrete Structures | ۲۹۳ |
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation; Engineering and Biological Material Characterization | ۲۹۴ |
Understanding the Rheology of Concrete | ۲۹۵ |
Unified Theory of Concrete Structures Thomas Hsu | ۲۹۶ |
Unified Theory of Concrete Structures | ۲۹۷ |
Validation and Practical Procedure for Vibrational Evaluation of Tendons | ۲۹۸ |
Validation of Prestressed Concrete I Beam Deflection and Camber Estimate | ۲۹۹ |
Verification of Strut and Tie Method | ۳۰۰ |
VSL Construction System | ۳۰۱ |
Water Proofing Concrete Structure | ۳۰۲ |
Workability and quality control of concrete | ۳۰۳ |
Workability Test | ۳۰۴ |
Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design | ۳۰۵ |
Allowable Compressive Stress at Prestress Transfer | ۳۰۶ |
Alternative models for creep and shrinkage | ۳۰۷ |
Casting of Self Compacting Concrete | ۳۰۸ |
Circular Concrete Tanks Without Prestressing | ۳۰۹ |
Compression testing of Concrete | ۳۱۰ |
CPCI Design Manual – 4Edition | ۳۱۱ |
Design Guide Post tensioned concrete floors | ۳۱۲ |
Design Of Prestressed Concrete – Arthur H. Nilson | ۳۱۳ |
Design of Prestressed Concrete – by RI Gilbert | ۳۱۴ |
Design of prestressed concrete structures – T.Y.Lin | ۳۱۵ |
Design of Prestressed | ۳۱۶ |
Detailing in Post tensioning | ۳۱۷ |
Determination of Service Stresses in Pretensioned Beams | ۳۱۸ |
DYWIDAG Post Tensioning Systems | ۳۱۹ |
Economic long span concrete floor slabs | ۳۲۰ |
Example of a post-tensioned plate for a residential high rise building | ۳۲۱ |
Example of Tendon Installation | ۳۲۲ |
External Post Tensioning Anchorage | ۳۲۳ |
Fibre reinforced cimentous composites | ۳۲۴ |
Guide to Concrete Repair | ۳۲۵ |
Nonconventional Concrete Technologies | ۳۲۶ |
Nonlinear Response of Post Tensioned Concrete Structure to Static and Dynamic Internal Pressure Loads | ۳۲۷ |
NPTEL Prestress concrete | ۳۲۸ |
Partial Pre-stressing from Theory to Practice, vol1 Survey Reports | ۳۲۹ |
Pre and Post Tension Slabs | ۳۳۰ |
Pre Stressed Concrete Structures | ۳۳۱ |
Prestress loss | ۳۳۲ |
Prestressed Concrete (774-811) | ۳۳۳ |
Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design, Fundamentals, 2nd ed | ۳۳۴ |
Prestressed Concrete Bridges | ۳۳۵ |
Prestressed Concrete Design | ۳۳۶ |
Prestressed Concrete Handbook | ۳۳۷ |
Prestressed concrete with internal or external tendons behavior and analysis | ۳۳۸ |
PT Prestress Losses.pptx | ۳۳۹ |
Reinforced Concrete Design, 3rd ed,Leet | ۳۴۰ |
seismic devices | ۳۴۱ |
Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete | ۳۴۲ |
The Art of Prestressing Concrete | ۳۴۳ |
The C Range Post Tensioning System | ۳۴۴ |
The European Guidelines for self compacting concrete | ۳۴۵ |
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