کتابخانه مجازی بتن

کتابخانه مجازی بتن

مجموعه کتابها، آیین نامه ها، راهنماها و مجموعه مقالات مربوط به تکنولوژی بتن، بتن مسلح، مرمت بتن، حفاظت بتن بصورت یکجا شامل ۳۴۵ فایل ارائه می شود عناوین کتابها بصورت زیر می باشد:

ACI Mix Design ۱
ACI Detailing Notes ۲
Advanced Concrete Technology 1~ Constituent Materials ۳
Advanced Concrete Technology Concrete Properties ۴
Advanced Concrete Technology Constituent Materials ۵
Advanced Concrete Technology Processes ۶
Advanced Concrete Technology Testing and Quality ۷
Advanced Concrete Technology ۸
Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures ۹
Alkali Activated Cements and Concretes ۱۰
Alkali Silica Reaction ۱۱
An introduction to prestressed concrete ۱۲
Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Structures ۱۴
Analysis of Concrete Structures by Fracture Mechanics ۱۵
Anchorage in Concrete Construction ۱۶
Basics of Concrete Science ۱۷
Binders for Durable and Sustainable Concrete (Modern Concrete Technology Series) by P-C AitCin ۱۸
Binders for Durable and Sustainable Concrete ۱۹
Blueprint Reading ۲۰
Bonded Cement-Based Material Overlays for the Repair, the Lining or the Strengthening of Slabs or Pavements ۲۱
Building Design and Construction Handbook ۲۲
Casting of Self Compacting Concrete ۲۳
Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete ۲۴
Civil Engineering Handbook – Second Edition ۲۵
CnCAA T38 – Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook ۲۶
Coated Steel Rebar for Enhanced Concrete-Steel Bond Strength and Corrosion Resistance ۲۷
Commentary_to_Eurocode ۲۸
Compaction ۲۹
Computer Modelling of Concrete Mixtures ۳۰
concrete (1) ۳۱
Concrete (2nd Edition) by Sidney Mindess, J. Francis Young, David Darwin ۳۲
Concrete – Micro-structure Properties and Materials (2006) ۳۳
Concrete – Neville’s Insights and Issues ۳۴
Concrete – Nevilles Insights and Issues ۳۵
Concrete – The Sustainable Infrastructure Material for 21st Century ۳۶
Concrete Admixtures Handbook ۳۷
Concrete and Masonry Data book ۳۸
Concrete Beams with Openings – Analysis and Design ۳۹
Concrete Building Pathology ۴۰
Concrete Building Scheme Design Manual ۴۱
Concrete Building Scheme ۴۲
Concrete Delivery Time Study ۴۳
concrete design ۴۴
Concrete Engineering Construction Handbook ۴۵
Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads (2) ۴۶
Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads ۴۷
Concrete Floor Systems ۴۸
Concrete Form work System ۴۹
Concrete in Aggressive Ground – 3rd Edition ۵۰
Concrete in Coastal Structures, Richard T L Allen ۵۱
Concrete in Hot Environments (2) ۵۲
Concrete in Hot Environments ۵۳
Concrete in the Marine Environment ۵۴
Concrete in the Service of Mankind – Appropriate concrete technology ۵۵
Concrete in the Service of Mankind Appropriate concrete technology ۵۶
Concrete in Underground Works ۵۷
Concrete Industrial Ground Floors (2) ۵۸
Concrete Industrial Ground Floors ۵۹
Concrete Materials – Properties, Specifications and Testing (S. Popovics) ۶۰
Concrete Mix Design (2) ۶۱
Concrete Mix Design – Quality Control and Specification ۶۲
Concrete Mix Design ۶۳
Concrete Pavement Design Guidance Notes ۶۴
Concrete Pavement Design, Construction, and Performance ۶۵
Concrete Petrography ۶۶
Concrete Pipe Design Manual ۶۷
Concrete Pressures – Formwork ۶۸
Concrete Repair and Maintenance Illustrated, PH Emmons ۶۹
Concrete Repair Hand Book ۷۰
Concrete Repair Rehabilitation and Retrofitting II ۷۱
Concrete Repair ۷۲
Concrete Repairs Performance in service and current practice (2) ۷۳
Concrete Repairs Performance in Service and Current Practice ۷۴
Concrete Society – Draft on Assessment, design and repair of fire-damaged concrete structures ۷۵
Concrete Solutions ۷۶
Concrete Structions Protection, Repair and Rehabilitation ۷۷
Concrete Structures – Stresses and Deformations, 3rd Ed ۷۸
Concrete Structures – Stresses and Deformations ۷۹
Concrete Structures ۸۰
Concrete Technology -Theory and Practice – Shetty ۸۱
Concrete Technology ۸۲
Connections(BS CODE) ۸۳
Construction of Buildings Volume 1 ۸۴
Construction of Prestressed Concrete Structures ۸۵
Contributions of Pavement Structural Layers to Rutting of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements ۸۶
Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures ۸۷
Control of Cracking in Concrete ۸۸
Controlled Structures with Electrical and Fiber Optical Sensors ۸۹
Corrosion in reinforced concrete structures ۹۰
Corrosion Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Structures ۹۱
Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete – M. Raupach – 2007 ۹۲
Corrosion of Steel in Concrete (2) ۹۳
Corrosion of Steel in Concrete – Prevention, Diagnosis, Repair ۹۴
Corrosion of Steel in Concrete ۹۵
Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete ۹۶
Crack Analysis in Structural Concrete – Theory and Applications ۹۷
Crack Analysis in Structural Concrete Theory and Applications ۹۸
Creep and Shrinkage ۹۹
Creep mechanics ۱۰۰
CRSI Design Handbook 2008 ۱۰۱
Demolition and Reuse of Concrete and Masonry ۱۰۲
Design and Construction using Insulating Concrete Formwork ۱۰۳
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures – PCA 1 ۱۰۴
Design Applications of Raft Foundations (549 – 642) ۱۰۵
Design Guidance For Strengthening Concrete Structures Using FRP ۱۰۶
Design Guidelines for Duarablility of Bonded CFRP Repair Strengthening of Concrete Beams ۱۰۷
Design of anchorage in concrete ۱۰۸
Design of FRP and Steel Plated RC Structures –  Retrofitting Beams and Slabs for Strength, Stiffness and Ductility 2004 ۱۰۹
Design of Normal Concrete Mixes Edition 2 ۱۱۰
Diagnosis of Deterioration In Concrete Structures – by M Walker ۱۱۲
Diagnosis of Deterioration in Concrete Structures ۱۱۳
Durability Assessment of Recycled Concrete for use in New Concrete ۱۱۴
Durability Design of Concrete Structures (2) ۱۱۵
Durability Design of Concrete Structures ۱۱۶
Durability Evaluation of Post Tensioned Concrete Beams ۱۱۷
Durability of Concrete and Cement Composites ۱۱۸
Durability of Concrete Structures Investigation Repair Protection ۱۱۹
Durable Concrete Structures CEB Design Guide ۱۲۰
Early Age Thermal Cracking ۱۲۱
Effect of adhesive stiffness and CFRP geometry on the behavior of Externally Bonded CFRP Retrofit Measures Subject to Monotonic Loads 2005 ۱۲۲
Effect of Reinforcement on Early Age ۱۲۳
Effects of Formwork Surface Materials on Concrete Lateral Pressure ۱۲۴
Effects of Increasing the Allowable Compressive Stress at Release on the Shear Strength of Prestessed Concrete Girders ۱۲۵
Engineered Concrete – Mix Design and Test Methods ۱۲۶
Engineered concrete mix design BY Irving Kett ۱۲۸
Evaluation of Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement Requirements for RC Column ۱۲۹
Evaluation of the Orientation of 90 and 180 Reinforcing Bar Hooks ۱۳۰
Evaluation, presentation and Repair of Microbial Acid-Produced Attack of Concrete ۱۳۱
Excellence in Concrete Construction Through Innovation ۱۳۲
Expansion Joints in Buildings ۱۳۳
Fiber in Concrete ۱۳۴
Fibers as Structural Element for the Reinforcement of Concrete ۱۳۵
Field Performance of Concrete Admixtures ۱۳۶
Finite Element Design of Concrete Structures ۱۳۷
Fire Safety and Concrete Structures ۱۳۸
Fly Ash in Concrete ۱۳۹
Formwork for Concrete Structures ۱۴۰
Formwork for Concrete ۱۴۱
Formwork ۱۴۲
Fracture and Size Effect in Concrete and Other Quasi brittle Materials ۱۴۳
Freeze Thaw Resisting Concrete – DTI  Concrete Society and CIRIA C559 ۱۴۴
FRP Composites for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures ۱۴۵
FRP Composites ۱۴۶
FRP Strengthened RC structures ۱۴۷
Grouting Handbook ۱۴۸
Guidance on the Use of Macro Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete ۱۴۹
Guide to Concrete for Housing ۱۵۰
Guide to Long Span Concrete Floors ۱۵۱
Guidebook on Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete Structures ۱۵۲
Guidelines for Evaluating Process Plant Buildings for External Explosions and Fires ۱۵۳
Handbook of Coatings for Concrete ۱۵۴
Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing ۱۵۵
High Performance Concrete ۱۵۶
High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite ۱۵۷
High Strength Concrete – A Practical Guide ۱۵۸
High Strength Concrete ۱۵۹
High Strength Self Consolidating Concrete Girders subjected to Elevated Compressive Fiber Stresses ۱۶۰
Highrise Reinforced Concrete Structures ۱۶۱
Historic Concrete ۱۶۲
Hybrid Concrete Construction ۱۶۳
In-Plant Arch Buckling of Network Arch Bridge ۱۶۴
Innovation in Concrete Frame Construction 1995-2015 ۱۶۵
Innovative_Materials_and_Techniques ۱۶۶
ISO Standard – Guidelines for the Simplified Design of Structural Reinforced Concrete ۱۶۷
IStructE – Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete ۱۶۸
Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity, Third Edition ۱۶۹
Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity ۱۷۰
Manual of Ready Mixed Concrete ۱۷۱
Masonry and Concrete ۱۷۲
Material Selection for Concrete Overlay ۱۷۳
Measuring, Monitoring and Modeling Concrete Properties ۱۷۴
Mechanical Engineers Handbook ۱۷۵
Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials ۱۷۶
Microstructure and Properties of Hardened Concrete ۱۷۷
Minimum Reinforcement in Concrete Members ۱۷۸
Multi Scale Modeling of Structural Concrete (2) ۱۷۹
Multi Scale Modeling of Structural Concrete ۱۸۰
Nanotechnology Based system for Damage Resistant Concrete Pavements ۱۸۱
National Structural Concrete Specification ۱۸۲
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures; Volume 1; Deterioration Processes and Standard Test Methods ۱۸۳
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures; Volume 2; Non-Destructive Testing Methods ۱۸۴
Nonlinear Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete ۱۸۵
Numerical Modeling of Cracking ۱۸۶
Odqvist Mathematical Theory of Creep and Rupture.djvu ۱۸۷
Optimizing Cementious Content in Concrete Mixtures for Required Performance ۱۸۸
Owen Engineering Fracture Mechanics.djvu ۱۸۹
PCA Rectangular Concrete Tanks – 5th Edition ۱۹۰
Performance of Self Consolidation Concrete in Prestressed Girders ۱۹۱
Physical Properties of Concrete and Concrete Constituents ۱۹۲
Post Tensioned Concrete Floors  Design Handbook ۱۹۳
Post Tensioning Tendon Installation and Grouting Manual ۱۹۴
Precast Concrete – Materials, Manufacture, Properties and Usage, M.Levitt ۱۹۵
Precast Concrete Frame Buildings ۱۹۶
Precast Concrete Structures by Hubert Bachmann, Alfred Steinle ۱۹۷
Precast Concrete Structures by Kim S Elliott ۱۹۸
Precast Prestressed Concrete Horizontally Curved Bridge Beams ۱۹۹
Preparation and Testing of Drilled Shafts with Self – Consolidating Concrete ۲۰۰
Prestress Manual for Inspectors ۲۰۱
Prestress Manual ۲۰۲
Prestressed Concrete Design by M.K. Hurst (1998) ۲۰۳
Prestressed Concrete Designer’s Handbook (1998) ۲۰۴
Prestressed Concrete ۲۰۵
Principios de Ingenieria de Cimentaciones ۲۰۶
Procedure for Evaluating Air Entraining Admixtures for Highway Concrete ۲۰۷
Proceedings Milan Workshop – Fire design of concrete structures low res ۲۰۸
Procedures for Evaluating Corrosion – Inhibiting Admixtures for Structural Concrete ۲۰۹
Properties of Concrete (2) ۲۱۰
Properties of Concrete ۲۱۱
Properties of Fresh Concrete ۲۱۲
Protection and Repair of Reinforced Concrete ۲۱۳
RC Infilled Frame – RC Plane Frame Interactions for Seismic Resistance ۲۱۴
Refurbishment and Repair in Construction ۲۱۵
Reinforced Concrete (A Fundamental Approach) Edward G.Nawy ۲۱۶
Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperatures ۲۱۷
Reinforced Concrete Chimneys and Towers ۲۱۸
Reinforced Concrete Engineers Handbook ۲۱۹
Reinforcement ۲۲۰
Reinforcing Steel Data ۲۲۱
Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints State of the Art (2) ۲۲۲
Repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete beam-column joints state of the art ۲۲۳
Repair Manual for Concrete Bridge Elements ۲۲۴
Repair of Concrete Structures to EN 1504 – DS ۲۲۵
Repair of Concrete Structures to EN 1504 ۲۲۶
Repair Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures ۲۲۷
Repair, Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures ۲۲۸
Residential Cellular Concrete Building ۲۲۹
Rubbliation of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements ۲۳۰
Rubblization of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements ۲۳۱
Seismic, Creep, and Tensile Testing of Various Epoxy Bonded Rebar Products in Hardened Concrete ۲۳۲
Self Compacting Concrete ۲۳۳
Self Curing Admixture ۲۳۴
Self-Compacting Concrete ۲۳۵
Self-Consolidating Concrete for Bridge Elements ۲۳۶
Self-Consolidating Concrete ۲۳۷
Special Concretes Workability and Mixing, P.J.M.Bartos ۲۳۸
Sprayed Concrete (2) ۲۳۹
Sprayed Concrete Technology (2) ۲۴۰
Sprayed Concrete Technology ۲۴۱
Sprayed Concrete ۲۴۲
Standard Method of Detailing of Structural Concrete ۲۴۳
Standard Method of Detailing Structural Concrete IstructE ۲۴۴
Standard Reinforced Concrete details ۲۴۵
Steel Free Hybrid Reinforcement System for Concrete Bridge Decks ۲۴۶
Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures – Assessment and Repair of Corrosion ۲۴۷
Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Civil Infrastructures Using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites ۲۴۸
Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures ۲۴۹
Structural And Stress Analysis – Dr. T. H. G. MEGSON ۲۵۰
Structural detailing in concrete_ A comparative study of British_ European and American codes and practices – M.Bangash (2003) ۲۵۱
Structural Details In Concrete ۲۵۲
Structural Failure and Plasticity ۲۵۳
Structural Grouts ۲۵۴
Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (2) ۲۵۵
Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete ۲۵۶
Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete affected by Alkali Silica Reaction ۲۵۷
Structural performance of reinforced concrete ۲۵۸
Structural Precast Concrete Handbook 2Ed ۲۵۹
Structural Precast Concrete Handbook 2nd Edition ۲۶۰
structural renovation in concrete ۲۶۱
Structural Renovation of Concrete ۲۶۲
Structural Use of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete ۲۶۳
Structure_and_Performance ۲۶۴
Strut and Tie Modeling ۲۶۵
Strut and Tie modelling of Reinforced Concrete Pile caps ۲۶۶
Sulfate Attack on Concrete ۲۶۷
Super – High – Strength High Performance Concrete ۲۶۸
Supervision of Concrete Construction Volume 1 ۲۶۹
Supervision of Concrete Construction ۲۷۰
Supplementary Cementitios Materials to Enhance Durbility of Concrete Bridge Decks ۲۷۱
Sustainable Concrete Workshop ۲۷۲
Test Methods for Characterizing Aggregate Shape, Texture, and Angularity ۲۷۳
Testing of Concrete in Structures ۲۷۴
Texturing of Concrete Pavements ۲۷۵
The Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete (2) ۲۷۶
The Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete ۲۷۷
The art of precast concrete ۲۷۸
The C Range Post Tensioning-System ۲۷۹
The Civil Engineering Handbook ۲۸۰
The Concrete Technology ۲۸۱
The New Power in Concrete Construction ۲۸۲
The Repair of Concrete Structures (2) ۲۸۳
The Repair of Concrete Structures ۲۸۴
The Sulfate Attack on Concrete ۲۸۵
The Sustainable Use of Concrete ۲۸۶
Thumbs.db ۲۸۷
Time-dependent behavior of concrete structures (2010) ۲۸۸
Tolerance Manual for Precast and Prestressed Concrete Construction ۲۸۹
Training – Precast Concrete Design Manual ۲۹۰
Transfer, Development, and Splice Length for Strand Reinforcement in High-Strength Concrete ۲۹۱
Transmission of Prestress by Bond – Bruggeling ۲۹۲
Ultimate Limit State Design of Concrete Structures ۲۹۳
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation; Engineering and Biological Material Characterization ۲۹۴
Understanding the Rheology of Concrete ۲۹۵
Unified Theory of Concrete Structures Thomas Hsu ۲۹۶
Unified Theory of Concrete Structures ۲۹۷
Validation and Practical Procedure for Vibrational Evaluation of Tendons ۲۹۸
Validation of Prestressed Concrete I Beam Deflection and Camber Estimate ۲۹۹
Verification of Strut and Tie Method ۳۰۰
VSL Construction System ۳۰۱
Water Proofing Concrete Structure ۳۰۲
Workability and quality control of concrete ۳۰۳
Workability Test ۳۰۴
Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design ۳۰۵
Allowable Compressive Stress at Prestress Transfer ۳۰۶
Alternative models for creep and shrinkage ۳۰۷
Casting of Self Compacting Concrete ۳۰۸
Circular Concrete Tanks Without Prestressing ۳۰۹
Compression testing of Concrete ۳۱۰
CPCI Design Manual – 4Edition ۳۱۱
Design Guide Post tensioned concrete floors ۳۱۲
Design Of Prestressed Concrete – Arthur H. Nilson ۳۱۳
Design of Prestressed Concrete – by RI Gilbert ۳۱۴
Design of prestressed concrete structures – T.Y.Lin ۳۱۵
Design of Prestressed ۳۱۶
Detailing in Post tensioning ۳۱۷
Determination of Service Stresses in Pretensioned Beams ۳۱۸
DYWIDAG Post Tensioning Systems ۳۱۹
Economic long span concrete floor slabs ۳۲۰
Example of a post-tensioned plate for a residential high rise building ۳۲۱
Example of Tendon Installation ۳۲۲
External Post Tensioning Anchorage ۳۲۳
Fibre reinforced cimentous composites ۳۲۴
Guide to Concrete Repair ۳۲۵
Nonconventional Concrete Technologies ۳۲۶
Nonlinear Response of Post Tensioned Concrete Structure to Static and Dynamic Internal Pressure Loads ۳۲۷
NPTEL Prestress concrete ۳۲۸
Partial Pre-stressing from Theory to Practice, vol1 Survey Reports ۳۲۹
Pre and Post Tension Slabs ۳۳۰
Pre Stressed Concrete Structures ۳۳۱
Prestress loss ۳۳۲
Prestressed Concrete (774-811) ۳۳۳
Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design, Fundamentals, 2nd ed ۳۳۴
Prestressed Concrete Bridges ۳۳۵
Prestressed Concrete Design ۳۳۶
Prestressed Concrete Handbook ۳۳۷
Prestressed concrete with internal or external tendons behavior and analysis ۳۳۸
PT Prestress Losses.pptx ۳۳۹
Reinforced Concrete Design, 3rd ed,Leet ۳۴۰
seismic devices ۳۴۱
Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete ۳۴۲
The Art of Prestressing Concrete ۳۴۳
The C Range Post Tensioning System ۳۴۴
The European Guidelines for self compacting concrete ۳۴۵

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